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Abbott, MiriamEstrutura oracional da língua Makúxi1976Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Richards, JoanOrações em waurá1977Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Koop, LoisO gênero e sua concordância em dení1981Arquivos de Anatomia e AntropologiaLinguistics
Kroeker, Menno HThe role of tone in nambikuára1977Arquivos de Anatomia e AntropologiaLinguistics
Dooley, Robert AOptions in the pragmatic structuring of Guaraní sentences1982LanguageLinguistics, Translation
Wheatley, JamesBakairí verb structure1969LinguisticsLinguistics
Ladefoged, Jenny; Everett, Daniel L.; Ladefoged, PeterPhonetic Structures of Banawá, an Endangered Language1997PhoneticaLinguistics
Anonby, StanA Sociolinguistic Survey of the Ethnolinguistic Groups Around the Intersection of the Marmelos River and the Trans-Amazon Highway2018Journal of Language Survey ReportsLanguage Assessment, Sociolinguistics
Seki, LucyO Kamaiurá: Língua de Estrutura Ativa1976Linguistics
Wright, Pamela S.Madija predicates1995Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota SessionLinguistics
Anonby, Stan; Holbrook, David J.A report and comparative-historical look at the Cinta Larga, Suruí, Gavião and Zoró languages2013Working Papers of the Linguistic Circle of the University of VictoriaLinguistics
Anonby, StanA Survey of the Languages of the Upper Purus River2022Journal of Language Survey ReportsLanguage Assessment, Sociolinguistics
Rowan, OrlandSome features of Paressi discourse structure1972Anthropological LinguisticsLinguistics
Landin, David JSome aspects of Karitiana food economy1979Arquivos de Anatomia e AntropologiaAnthropology
Borgman, Donald M. and othersThe Waican languages1965Anthropological LinguisticsSociolinguistics
Gudschinsky, Sarah CThe relationship of language and linguistics to reading1968KivungLiteracy and Education
Koop, GordonOs afixos pessoais em dení1988Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Richards, JoanA estrutura verbal waurá1988Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Bontkes, WillemAs orações suruí1988Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Thomson, Ruth and Mickey StoutElementos proposicionais em orações Kayapó1974Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Stout, Mickey and Ruth ThomsonFonêmica txukuhamẽi (kayapó)1974Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Dooley, Robert AComponentes semânticos na terminologia de parentesco Guaraní1979Arquivos de Anatomia e AntropologiaAnthropology, Linguistics
Wheatley, JamesPronouns and nominal elements in Bacairi discourse1973LinguisticsLinguistics
Lowe, IvanAn algebraic theory of English pronominal reference (part I)1969SemioticaLinguistics
Ekdahl, Muriel and Joseph E. GrimesTerena verb inflection1964International Journal of American LinguisticsLinguistics
Graham, Albert and Sue GrahamCharting character referent ties in Sateré texts1966The Bible TranslatorLinguistics
Jensen, Cheryl J.Object-prefix Incorporation in Proto Tupí-Guaraní Verbs1987Language SciencesLinguistics
Anonby, StanLanguage use on the Tubarão-Latundê reserve, Rondônia, Brazil2009Journal of Language Survey ReportsLanguage Assessment, Sociolinguistics
Anonby, StanA report on the Irantxe and Myky2009Journal of Language Survey ReportsLanguage Assessment, Sociolinguistics
Anonby, Stan and Sandy AnonbyA report on three Arauan speech varieties (Jamamadi, Jarawara, and Banawá) of the Amazon2007Journal of Language Survey ReportsLanguage Assessment, Sociolinguistics
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Aytai, Desidério; Fortune, David L.Denominações de Cores na Língua Karajá1988Anthropology, Linguistics
Vogel, Alan R.Covert Tense in Jarawara2009Linguistic DiscoveryLinguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond CDiscourse redundancy in Hixkaryana1977International Journal of American LinguisticsLinguistics
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Harrison, Carl H.A Forma Lingüística de uma Teoria Folclórica dos kamaiurás1977Arquivos de Anatomia e AntropologiaAnthropology, Linguistics
Fortune, GretchenInterferences in Second/Third Language Learning Resulting from Men's/Women's Vocabulary and Gender Differences in the First Language1984Linguistics, Sociolinguistics
Green, Harold G.Como se pergunta em Palikúr1979Linguistics
Everett, Daniel L.Pirahã Clitic Doubling1987Natural Language and Linguistic TheoryLinguistics
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Koehn, Edward HThe historical tense in Apalaí narrative1976International Journal of American LinguisticsLinguistics
Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. and Diana GreenPalikur and the typology of classifiers1998Anthropological LinguisticsLinguistics
McLeod, RuthFonemas xavánte1974Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Kroeker, Menno HCondicionamento múltiplo de vogais na língua nambikuára1976Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Campbell, RobertAvaliação dentro das citações na língua jamamadí1988Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Dooley, Robert AA constituent boundary marker in Guaraní1977Arquivos de Anatomia e AntropologiaLinguistics
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Dooley, Robert A. and Harold G. GreenAspectos verbais e categorias discursivas da língua palikur1977Série LingüísticaLinguistics