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Everett, Daniel L. and Lucy SekiDeletion, reduplication and CV skeleta in Kamaiura1986Notes on LinguisticsLinguistics
Landin, David JAn outline of the syntactic structure of Karitiâna sentences1984Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond C. and Geoffrey K. Pullum, editorsHandbook of Amazonian Languages, Vol. 11986Linguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond CTopic Continuity and OVS Order in Hixkaryana1986Anthropology, Linguistics
Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. and Diana GreenPalikur and the typology of classifiers1998Anthropological LinguisticsLinguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond CHixkaryana and Linguistic Typology1985SIL International Publications in LinguisticsLinguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond CLanguage universals, syntactic typology, and diachronic syntax: a select bibliography, with introductory survey1981Notes on LinguisticsLinguistics, Sociolinguistics
Harrison, Carl HVerb prominence, verb initialness, ergativity and typological disharmony in Guajajara1986Linguistics