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Crofts, MarjorieMust tone always be written in a tonal language?1976The Bible TranslatorLinguistics, Literacy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CContribuição de Sarah C. Gudschinsky, co-relatora da sessão de linguística da 5a Reunião Brasileira de Antropologia1963Revista de AntropologiaLiteracy and Education
Bridgeman, Loraine I. and Mickey StoutLevantamento lingüístico de Leopoldina1958Educação e Ciências SociaisLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CThe nature of the writing system: Pedagogical implications1972Literacy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CThe teaching of writing1977Literacy and Education
Bridgeman, Loraine IA alfabetização de um povo ágrafo1983Boletim da Associação Brasileira de LingüísticaLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CMotivation and pre-reading for adult literacy1970International Bulletin of Missionary ResearchLiteracy and Education
Bendor-Samuel, DavidOn the study of literacy1984Literacy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CApproaches to literacy in indigenous languages: Examples from Mexico1977Literacy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CLiteracy1977Literacy and Education
Alford, Margaret RDeveloping facilitative reading programmes in Third World countries: a culturally relevant programme for teaching reading in the mother tongue: the Karajá Indians of Brazil1987Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural DevelopmentLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CBeginning the teaching1977Literacy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CIntroduction to literacy: Pre-reading1977Literacy and Education
Alford, Margaret RuthAlguns métodos e estudos práticos de educação bilíngüe intercultural1998Literacy and Education
Johnson, MerietaLiteracy movements in Central and South America and the Caribbean1994Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft = Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication ScienceLiteracy and Education
Popovich, Frances BReview of: Some hints on solving textual problems, by Barklay M. Newman, Jr.1984Notes on TranslationTranslation
Green, DianaThe interior decorator1987Notes on TranslationAcademic Training
Crofts, MarjorieSome considerations in translating ‘body’ in 1 Corinthians1987Notes on TranslationTranslation
Crofts, MarjorieTo abridge or not?1976Notes on TranslationLinguistics
Green, DianaImplied information in Second Corinthians1983Notes on TranslationTranslation
Kroeker, Menno HResponse of the translation helper to direct questions1976Notes on TranslationLinguistics
Crofts, MarjorieTranslating ‘fear not’ in Luke’s Gospel1987Notes on TranslationTranslation
Crofts, MarjorieIndividualized translation checking1978Notes on TranslationTranslation
Wheatley, James and Robert E. MeaderInnovation, culture change and translation1973Notes on TranslationAnthropology
Derbyshire, Desmond CAnother kind of ‘hearsay particle’—in Hixkaryana (Brazil)1978Notes on TranslationLinguistics
Sheffler, E. MargaretPolyvalent consultants—anthropologically speaking1986Notes on TranslationAnthropology
Campbell, BarbaraRepetition in Jamamadí discourse1986SIL International Publications in LinguisticsLinguistics
Bendor-Samuel, David, editorTupi studies 11971SIL International Publications in LinguisticsLinguistics
Landin, Rachel MHigher-level conjunctions in Karitiâna1986SIL International Publications in LinguisticsLinguistics
Crofts, MarjorieMother-tongue translator training and one-book workshop wedded1985Notes on TranslationAcademic Training, Translation
Koop, Gordon and Sherwood G. LingenfelterThe Dení of western Brazil: a study of sociopolitical organization and community development1980Publications in EthnographyAnthropology
Odmark, Mary Ann and Rachel M. LandinOn Paumarí social organization1985Publications in EthnographyAnthropology
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Callow, John CampbellThe Apinayé language: Phonology and grammar1962Linguistics
Murphy, Isabel I“And I, in my turn, will pass it on”: Indigenous education among the Kayapó Amerindians of central Brazil1992Anthropology, Literacy and Education
Derbyshire, Desmond CHixkaryana syntax1979Linguistics
Landin, Rachel MKinship and naming among the Karitiana of northwestern Brazil1989Anthropology
Popovich, Frances BThe social organization of the Maxakalí1980Anthropology
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Pini'awē, Airton and Coronel Wi'i; Alec Harrison, facilitatorDahi'rata nhimirowasu'u: duréi wasu'u (Ancient legends of the Xavante people)1999Anthropology
Vogel, Alan, compilerJarawara – English dictionary2006Linguistics
Crowell, Thomas H., editorRelatório de atividades do Summer Institute of Linguistics, exercício de 19771978Communications
Bridgeman, Loraine IreneO parágrafo na fala dos kaiwá-guarani2007Translation
Stout, Mickey and Ruth ThomsonModalidade em kayapó1974Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Landin, David JAs orações karitiâna1988Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Moore, Barbara J. and Gail L. FranklinBreves notícias da língua Maku-Hupda1979Ensaios LingüísticosLinguistics
Kakumasu, James YGramática gerativa preliminar da língua urubú1976Série LingüísticaLinguistics