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Abbott, MiriamSubordinate clauses in Macushi1985Linguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond CCarib1999Cambridge Language SurveysLinguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond C.Are Cariban languages moving away from or towards ergative systems?1991Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota SessionLinguistics
Hodsdon, Cathy AnnAnálise de cláusulas semânticas na língua makúsi1976Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Abbott, MiriamEstrutura oracional da língua Makúxi1976Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Hodsdon, Ross and Ivan LowePersonal and Impersonal Deixis in Makusi1976Linguistics
Hodsdon, Cathy AnnSemantic Clause Analysis of Makusi1974Linguistics
Payne, Doris LReview of: Handbook of Amazonian languages, vol 3, Desmond C. Derbyshire and Geoffrey K. Pullum, editors1992LanguageLinguistics, Sociolinguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond C.; Pullum, Geoffrey K.Preliminary bibliography of Northern Carib1978Library/Museum/Archiving, Linguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond C.A diachronic explanation for the origin of OVS in some Carib languages1979Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota SessionLinguistics
Abbott, MiriamMacushi1991Linguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond C. and Geoffrey K. Pullum, editorsHandbook of Amazonian Languages, Vol. 31991Linguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond C. and Geoffrey K. PullumObject initial languages1979Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota SessionLinguistics, Sociolinguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond C. and Geoffrey K. PullumA Select Bibliography of Guiana Carib Languages1979International Journal of American LinguisticsLibrary/Museum/Archiving, Linguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond C.; Pullum, Geoffrey K.Object-Initial Languages1981International Journal of American LinguisticsLinguistics