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McLeod, Ruth and Valerie Mitchell; Loraine Irene Bridgeman, editorAspectos da língua xavánte1977Language and Culture Learning
Harrison, AlecLanguage learning tips1990Notes on LinguisticsLanguage and Culture Learning
McLeod, RuthLearning Xavante monolingually1970Language and Culture Learning
Ham, Patricia, Helen E. Waller, and Linda KoopmanAspectos de língua apinayé1979Language and Culture Learning
Jefferson, KathleenComments on Forster’s article on pedagogical grammars1982Notes on LinguisticsAcademic Training, Language and Culture Learning
Wiesemann, UrsulaLearn that language—without using paper?2008SIL Forum for Language FieldworkLanguage and Culture Learning
Boswood, JoanQuer falar a língua dos canoeiros? Rikbaktsa em 26 lições1978Language and Culture Learning
Kroeker, BarbaraAspectos da língua nambikuara2003Language and Culture Learning
Crofts, MarjorieAspectos da língua Munduruku2004Language and Culture Learning
Dobson, RoseGramática prática com exercícios da língua kayabí1997Language and Culture Learning
Koop, GordonParticipant Introduction and Tracing in Deni Narrative Discourse1979Anthropology, Language and Culture Learning
McLeod, Ruth and Valerie Mitchell; Loraine Irene Bridgeman and Alec Harrison, editorsAspectos da língua xavante2003Language and Culture Learning, Linguistics
Butler, Nancy Evelyn and Elizabeth Muriel Ekdahl; Loraine Irene Bridgeman, editorAprenda Terena Vol. 12012Language and Culture Learning, Linguistics
McLeod, RuthMonolingual approach1961Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota SessionLanguage and Culture Learning, Linguistics
Bontkes, WillemLanguage Learning Exercises in Suruí1982Language and Culture Learning
Aberdour, CatherineApurinã Pedagogical Grammar2010Language and Culture Learning, Linguistics
Kroeker, Menno H.Gravações para acompanhar Aspectos da Língua Nambikuara2018Language and Culture Learning
McLeod, RuthLearning Xavante monolingually2003Language and Culture Learning
Crofts, MarjorieAspectos da língua mundurukú1985Language and Culture Learning
Chapman, ShirleyPaumarí Pedagogical Grammar1975Language and Culture Learning, Linguistics
Jensen, Allen A.; Jensen, Cheryl J.Estudos e Textos na Língua Oiampipucu1977Language and Culture Learning, Linguistics
Butler, Nancy E.; Ekdahl, MurielAprenda Terena Vol. 22014Language and Culture Learning, Linguistics
Griffiths, GlynGramática Pedagógica Kadiwéu1992Arquivo LingüísticoLanguage and Culture Learning, Linguistics
Wiesemann, UrsulaPedagogical Grammar Material (Portuguese) [Kaingang]1967Language and Culture Learning, Linguistics
Wiesemann, UrsulaIntrodução na Língua Kaingáng2019Language and Culture Learning, Linguistics
Chapman, ShirleyGramática Pedagógica Paumarí1983Language and Culture Learning, Linguistics
Graham, Albert; Graham, SueAiquevara1992Language Assessment, Language and Culture Learning, Linguistics
Dooley, Kathie and Robert A. DooleyManual do Alfabetizador na Língua Guaraní1981Language and Culture Learning, Literacy and Education
Kroeker, Barbara JAspectos da língua nambikuára1982Language and Culture Learning
Montag, Susan; Carl Harrison and Alan Vogel, translatorsLições para a aprendizagem da língua Kaxinawá2004Language and Culture Learning