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Gudschinsky, Sarah CThe nature of the writing system: Pedagogical implications1972Literacy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CThe teaching of writing1977Literacy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CMotivation and pre-reading for adult literacy1970International Bulletin of Missionary ResearchLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CApproaches to literacy in indigenous languages: Examples from Mexico1977Literacy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CLiteracy1977Literacy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CBeginning the teaching1977Literacy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CIntroduction to literacy: Pre-reading1977Literacy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CSome frequent and recurring fallacies concerning bilingual education1975READLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CPsycholinguistic testing (Part 1)1968READLiteracy and Education
Bartholomew, Doris ABoletín informativo sobre idiomas indígenas de Latinoamérica1969América IndígenaLinguistics
Gudschinsky, Sarah CLiteracy: The growing influence of linguistics1976Trends in LinguisticsLiteracy and Education, Sociolinguistics
Gudschinsky, Sarah CA test for orthographic ambiguity1968Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CNotes on neutralization and orthography1972Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CLiteracy policy and its practical outworking1974Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CMemorizing: Good or bad?1968Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CPrimer stories by indigenous authors1974Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CMatrix for letter recognition: Syllable or couplet1969Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CRadio and tape recordings in a literacy program1975Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Hurst, Mike; Hurst, KarlaHURST Wordlist Comparisons, Latin American Sign Languages1999Language Assessment, Sign Languages
Gudschinsky, Sarah CHighlights of the 1967 Vietnam workshop: Syllable teaching1968Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CReview of: The origin and diversification of language, by Morris Swadesh and Joel Sherzer1973International Journal of American LinguisticsLanguage Assessment, Linguistics
Gudschinsky, Sarah CThe relationship of language and linguistics to reading1968KivungLiteracy and Education
Hollenbach, Barbara E.A critique of some tone universals proposed by Woo1973Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota SessionLinguistics
Gudschinsky, Sarah CMóre tône dialògue1969READLinguistics, Literacy and Education
Pittman, Richard S.Exercises for a course in phonological analysis1968Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota SessionAcademic Training, Linguistics
Gudschinsky, Sarah CPsycholinguistic testing (Part 2)1968READLiteracy and Education
Decker, Kendall D.; Holbrook, David J.Caribbean Creoles2002Communications, Translation
Gudschinsky, Sarah CThe role of the linguist in the preparation of materials1969Programa Interamericano de Lingüística y Enseñanza de IdiomasLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CPsycholinguistics and reading: Diagnostic observations1970Literacy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CThe complete literacy program1968READLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CSome misconceptions about prereading1969Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Gudschinsky, Sarah CPre-reading1975Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Loriot, JamesA Selected Bibliography of Comparative American Indian Linguistics1964International Journal of American LinguisticsLibrary/Museum/Archiving