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Derbyshire, Desmond CComparative survey of morphology and syntax in Brazilian Arawakan1986Linguistics
Pickering, Wilbur NNegação no apurinã1978Arquivos de Anatomia e AntropologiaLinguistics
Pickering, Ida Lou; Pickering, Wilbur N.Jõkatxi apajaõkiko 1-31972
Aberdour, CatherineReferential devices in Apurinã discourse1985Linguistics
Pickering, Wilbur NRelativação em apurinã1977Série LingüísticaTranslation
Payne, David LSome Widespread Grammatical Forms in South American Languages1990Linguistics
Wise, Mary RuthAfijos causativos y comitativos en idiomas de la familia arawaka maipurán1990Linguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond CMorphosyntactic areal characteristics of Amazonian languages1987International Journal of American LinguisticsLinguistics, Sociolinguistics
Pickering, Wilbur N.Gapping and Constituent Order in Apurinã2009Linguistics
Pickering, Ida Lou; Pickering, Wilbur N.A Phonemic Analysis of the Apurinã Language2009Linguistics
Pickering, Wilbur N.Command in Apurinã2009Linguistics
Pickering, Ida Lou; Pickering, Wilbur N.Apurinã Morphpology1964Arquivo LingüísticoLinguistics
Aberdour, Catherine; King, JudyApurinã Grammar Papers1980Linguistics
Apurinã, NonatoIrari Pirena1981
Pickering, Wilbur N.Interrogatives in Apurinã1973Linguistics
Apurinã, OtacilioÃtixiti Sikiko Pirena1998
Apurinã, OtacilioUakõtxi Saokini Pirena1998
Apurinã, OtacilioEreẽkokapiretakariena1998
Apurinã, NonatoNonato Sãkire Pirena [3]1980
Apurinã, JamilJamil Sãkire Pirena [1]1980
Apurinã, MariaAmianatakatxi Pirena1980
Apurinã, LeopoldoLeopoldo Sãkire Pirena [1]1980
Apurinã, JamilJamil Sãkire Pirena [3]1980
Apurinã, José BilJosé Bil Sãkire Pirena [1]1980
Apurinã, MariaKiiriki Pirena1980
Apurinã, MariaItxikiri Pirena1980
Apurinã, NastácioNastácio Sãkire Pirena [2]1980
Apurinã, OtacilioAnio Pirena1983
Apurinã, IsauraIxoa Pirena1980
Apurinã, OricoOrico Sãkire Pirena [1]1980
Apurinã, IsauraAnio Pirena1980
Apurinã, TeresaTeresa Sãkire Pirena [2]1980
Apurinã, MariaApaiaõkari Pirena1980
Apurinã, MariaMaria Sãkire Pirena [1]1980
Apurinã, MariaMaria Sãkire Pirena [2]1980
Apurinã, TeresaTeresa Sãkire Pirena [1]1980
Apurinã, NonatoXirĩka Pirena1980
Apurinã, NonatoNonato Sãkire Pirena [2]1980
Apurinã, NastácioTsora Pirena1980
Apurinã, OtacilioApasakari Okiko Pirena1983
Apurinã, MarocaMaroca Sãkire Pirena1980
Apurinã, OtacilioMitekaĩ Irikini Pirena1983
Apurinã, OdivoXitoi Ereõkiko Pirena1983
Aberdour, CatherineApurinã - English Dictionary2008Linguistics
Aberdour, CatherineApurinã Pedagogical Grammar2010Language and Culture Learning, Linguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond C. and Geoffrey K. Pullum, editorsHandbook of Amazonian Languages, Vol. 11986Linguistics
Pickering, Ida LouPopõkary tsopa1965
Derbyshire, Desmond C.Arawakan (Brazil) morphosyntax1982Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota SessionLinguistics
Apurinã, NonatoĨtima Pirena1980
Pickering, Ida Lou; Pickering, Wilbur N.Amaiõkatsopata 21985