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Wheatley, JamesKnowledge, authority and individualism among the Cura (Bacairi)1973Anthropological LinguisticsAnthropology
Fortune, GretchenThe importance of turtle months in the Karajá world, with a focus on ethnobiology in indigenous literary education1990Anthropology
Txukarramãe, Megaron and Mickey StoutA expedição venatória dos Kayapó e animales importantes1990Anthropology
Wiesemann, UrsulaChildren of mixed marriages in relation to Kaingang society1964Revista do Museu PaulistaAnthropology
Koehn, Sally SApalaí kinship and social behavior1975Arquivos de Anatomia e AntropologiaAnthropology
Huestis, EstherBororo Spiritism as Revitalization1963MissiologyAnthropology
Jensen, Allen ABiological information transmitted through festival1990Anthropology
Fortune, David L. and Gretchen FortuneKarajá men’s-women’s speech differences with social correlates1975Arquivos de Anatomia e AntropologiaAnthropology
Fortune, GretchenIndigenous literatures: Oral and written literature and the influence of language borrowing in relation to male and female speech differences1988Latin American Indian LiteraturesAnthropology, Linguistics
Harrison, Carl HA forma lingüística de uma teoria folclórica dos kamaiurás1977Arquivos de Anatomia e AntropologiaAnthropology
Wheatley, JamesRevivescência de uma dança Bakairí1966Revista de AntropologiaAnthropology
Derbyshire, Desmond CTextos hixkaryâna1965Publicações AvulsasAnthropology, Linguistics
Murphy, Isabel IKayapó kinship and two-way radios1997Notes on AnthropologyAnthropology
Bridgeman, Loraine IO parágrafo na fala dos kaiwá-guarani1981Linguistics
Bridgeman, Loraine IKaiwa (Guarani) phonology1961International Journal of American LinguisticsLinguistics
Bartholomew, Doris ABoletín informativo sobre idiomas indígenas de Latinoamérica1969América IndígenaLinguistics
Lowe, IvanEstrutura do tema verbal nambiquara1975Programa Interamericano de Lingüística y Enseñanza de IdiomasLinguistics
Dooley, Robert A., compilerVocabulário Guaraní-Português1997Arquivo LingüísticoLinguistics
Wiesemann, UrsulaThe relationships between phonology-grammar-meaning1974Linguistics
Heinrichs, ArloOs fonemas do Mura-Pirahã1964Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Nova série, AntropologicaLinguistics
Everett, Daniel LA língua pirahã e a teoria da sintaxe: Descrição, perspectivas e teoria1991Linguistics
Wiesemann, UrsulaDie phonologische und grammatische Struktur der Kaingáng-Sprache1972Janua Linguarum, series practicaLinguistics
Koehn, Sally SThe use of generic terms in Apalaí genitive constructions1994Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios EtnolingüísticosLinguistics
Dooley, Robert ASpatial deixis in Guaraní1983Ciência e CulturaLinguistics
Green, DianaUsos da fala direta no discurso Palikur1979Arquivos de Anatomia e AntropologiaLinguistics
Senn, Rodolfo and Beatrice SennUpdated phonemic analysis of the Nadëb language1998Arquivo LingüísticoLinguistics
Gudschinsky, Sarah CA técnica da pesquisa1965Academic Training
Davis, IrvineComparative Jê phonology1966Estudos LingüísticosLinguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond CNotas comparativas sôbre três dialetos Karíbe1961Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Nova série, AntropologicaLinguistics
Green, DianaDiferenças entre termos numéricos em algumas línguas indígenas do brasil1997Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Série AntropologiaLinguistics
Everett, Daniel L. and Lucy SekiDeletion, reduplication and CV skeleta in Kamaiura1986Notes on LinguisticsLinguistics
Leutkmeyer, Jean, Caroline Van Antwerp, and Gloria E. KindellBibliography of spoken and written language1983Notes on LinguisticsLinguistics
Everett, Daniel LAn elementary sketch of government binding theory1984Notes on LinguisticsLinguistics
Dooley, Robert AGrammaticalization: An introduction1983Notes on LinguisticsLinguistics
Hall, JoanXavante profile1979Research Papers of the Texas SIL at DallasAnthropology, Linguistics
Everett, Daniel LReview of: Tone: a linguistic survey, Victoria Fromkin, editor1980Notes on LinguisticsLinguistics
Jefferson, KathleenComments on Forster’s article on pedagogical grammars1982Notes on LinguisticsAcademic Training, Language and Culture Learning
Everett, Daniel LReview of: Papers in language variation, David L. Shores and Carole P. Hines, editors1984Notes on LinguisticsSociolinguistics
Bendor-Samuel, DavidAssessment of translation needs and programs1984Notes on LinguisticsSociolinguistics
Dooley, Robert AReview of: Pragmatics and linguistics: An analysis of sentence topics, by Tanya Reinhart1984Notes on LinguisticsTranslation
Dooley, Robert ASuggestions for the field linguist regarding quotations1989Notes on LinguisticsAcademic Training, Translation
Richards, JoanParticipant identification in discourse1979Notes on LinguisticsLinguistics
Bendor-Samuel, DavidThe ongoing use of vernacular literature1988Notes on Scripture in UseSociolinguistics
Bendor-Samuel, DavidNew name ... new character? (editorial)1988Notes on Scripture in UseLiteracy and Education, Sociolinguistics
Davis, IrvineSome macro-Jê relationships1985Sociolinguistics
Cahill, MichaelFrom endangered to less endangered: case studies from Brazil and Papua New Guinea2000Notes on SociolinguisticsSociolinguistics
da Silva, NorvalLanguage attitude change among the Tembe people of Brazil2001Notes on SociolinguisticsSociolinguistics
Crofts, MarjorieNotes on the translation of the Gospel of Mark1985Translation
Gudschinsky, Sarah CA test for orthographic ambiguity1968Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Popovich, A. Harold and Frances B. PopovichMaxakalí literacy, economic development, and health program1984Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education